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In: Mr. Ebo Bonful (President)   Mr. Amegayibor   Mr. Kalmoni   Mr. Adjiri
Presentation of the GREDA GBC rating system and software to GREDA COUNCIL Members 

Building sustainably has become more vital as a result of urban expansion. The development of the Earth's environment and its role as a significant source of pollution have been attributed mostly to the building sector (Ding, 2008). The goal of improving sustainable construction, sometimes known as "green building," has prompted the introduction of Green Building Standards during the past couple of decades.

Building technology had undergone significant changes as a result of rapid development, technical competitiveness, and globalization. Building sustainability challenges have generated a lot of discussion and contention among experts. The emergence of green building assessment tools has somehow given the guidelines and foundation for a building to be certified as a sustainable building or in the new term would be called as green building. Some important components include energy efficiency, water management and general resource conservation and efficiency (vis-à-vis site, building material sourcing and manufacturing procedure, etc.).

The Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA) announced its innovative Green Building Certification System (GREDA-GBC), a pioneering initiative that aims to transform the construction sector in Ghana by encouraging sustainability, green technology and reducing environmental impact.

At the core of this initiative is an innovative data collection application, accessible on all devices regardless of screen size or operating system. This application empowers users to gather data in the form of text, images, and videos, seamlessly syncing them to a secure cloud storage platform. The collected data can be accessed at any time via mobile phones, tablets, and PCs with internet connectivity. Moreover, the application features a streamlined payment method, allowing clients to conveniently pay for the services rendered.

In a media launching, celebrating this mile stone of positive revolutionary practices in construction on Tuesday 12th December, 2023 at the Silver Star Tower, Airport City – Accra, the initiative's core, which involves a cutting-edge software app for data collection that works on any device and OS, was unveiled to the press and the public attendees, explaining how the app enables users to collect data as text, images, and videos, and sync them smoothly to a safe cloud storage platform. The data can be retrieved anytime through mobile phones, tablets, and PCs with internet access. The app also has a simplified payment method, letting clients pay for the services easily.

First Trained Assessors of GREDA GBCS 
The administration of this system will be undertaken by GREDA, with the technical leadership provided by Alhajji Kweku Kalmoni, who serve as the Project Director- overseeing the project's overall direction, Henry Kofi Danso, who serve as the Project Manager- adeptly managed and developed the production phase and Dr. Simon Ofori Ametepey from Koforidua Technical University – being instrumental in providing invaluable technical support to ensure the seamless implementation of the system.
Representing GREDA-GBC in the SST Tenants meeting and Dinner 

The proposed green building rating tool is applicable not only at the occupancy stage of residential buildings but also throughout the Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance Phases of a residential building project. The certification tool is structured around seven main criteria, that is: Site and Transport; Water Efficiency; Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission Management; Indoor Environmental Quality; Materials and Resources; Waste and Pollution; and Innovative Technologies. These criteria were meticulously developed based on a thorough review of globally recognized rating tools, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in the Ghanaian context.

Mr. Kalmoni giving instruction on the functionality of the GREDA-GBC system

Following this, a successful pilot testing was conducted on Saturday 23rd December, 2023 using the GREDA-GBC software on some Lakeside Estate buildings as a step towards assessing the readiness of the system. Certification through ICT-driven assessments not only reflects a commitment to a greener future but also serves as a testament to a building's adherence to eco-friendly standards. The GREDA-GB system is set to become an essential component of responsible and forward-thinking construction practices in Ghana.

The Team during the first GREDA-GBC Workshop Training

By harnessing the power of our certification system, we aim to efficiently measure, monitor, and optimize building performance. This, in turn, will lead to a reduction in resource consumption, enhanced occupant comfort, and a mitigated environmental footprint for structures.

We appreciate your consideration of our initiative and are open to any queries or further discussions. Your support will be instrumental in realizing our vision for a sustainable and certified green building sector in Ghana.

About GREDA:

The Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA) is a leading organization committed to promoting excellence and sustainability in real estate development in Ghana. With a focus on industry best practices, GREDA plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the real estate sector in the country.

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