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GreenBuilding Sustainability GREDAGBC TrainingWorkshop Accra GreenFuture BuildingTheFuture

 🌿🌿Celebrating Success at the GREDA Green Building Certification (GBC) Assessors Training Workshop 2025!🌿🌿

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the second GREDA GBC Assessors Training Workshop, held at the prestigious Silver Star Tower, Airport City, Accra. This event marked another significant milestone in our journey towards promoting sustainable building practices in Ghana.

The workshop saw an impressive turnout, with high attendance and enthusiastic registration from built environment professionals and participants eager to deepen their knowledge of green building principles. It was an honor to have esteemed guests such as Mr. Samuel Amegayibor (Executive Secretary, GREDA), Mr. Salah Kweku KALMONI (CEO of Silver Star Ltd and GREDA Council Member), Mr. Livingstone Sey (Administrator, GREDA),
and Miss Grace Amewu (GREDA-GBC) join us for this impactful event.

As the Project Manager and Senior Consultant for GREDA GBC, I had the privilege of leading this dynamic training session. Together, we explored innovative strategies and best practices for green building certification, empowering our participants to become champions of sustainability in their respective fields.

A heartfelt thank you to all attendees for their active participation and commitment to advancing green building standards. Your dedication is instrumental in driving positive change and fostering a greener, more sustainable future for our communities.

Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming events as we continue to pave the way for sustainable development in Ghana. Let's build a better tomorrow, one green building at a time!

#GreelsTheNewGold #GreenBuilding #Sustainability #GREDAGBC
#TrainingWorkshop #Accra #SustainableDevelopment #GreenFuture

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