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Belle Yemofio’s Must-Have Book: The Art and Science of Interior Design

Belle Yemofio | Interior Design | Art | Science | Book Launch

 BOOK RELEASE - THE ART AND SCIENCE OF INTERIOR DESIGNFrom a former banker to an award-winning interior designer, Belle Yemofio has transformed her creative passion into a thriving career. As the founder of Ellen Davis Interior Design (a tribute to her mother’s maiden name), Belle has earned international acclaim, prestigious awards, and even a feature in Forbes for her exceptional work.

Now, she adds author to her list of accomplishments with the release of her stunning 200-page hardcover book, The Art and Science of Interior Design. This visually captivating and insightful publication is a must-own for architects, interior designers, and aspiring students—making it the perfect gift for anyone passionate about design.

What’s Inside?

Belle takes readers on a journey through her most remarkable projects, showcasing her expertise in:
  • Design Philosophy – How she selects themes, materials, colors, and textures
  • Practical Insights – Programming, scheduling, budgeting, and functional considerations
  • Ergonomics & Safety – Designing for health, security, and lifestyle compatibility
  • Exclusive Resources – Stunning photos, sketches, color charts, and a sourcing directory of suppliers

The book also reveals Belle’s business model, offering invaluable advice for budding interior designers.

Why You Need This Book

✔ Inspiration for young designers
✔ Expert guidance on creating stunning, functional spaces
✔ A visual masterpiece with high-quality imagery and design references

Price: ₵800

Available at leading bookshops

📞 Call +233 20 202 2559 to order your copy today!

Don’t miss out on this essential addition to your design library—a true investment in creativity and success!

For more information, visit click here

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